Exploring Social Innovation in Norway: A Workshop on Mapping Innovation Ecosystems

[Reposted from BKC Medium Chanel] Innovation is at the core of social, cultural, economic, and technological change. At the most fundamental level, innovation can be understood as a process that involves the generation of new ideas, products, and services, and their adoption, implementation, and diffusion. Nearly all individuals — regardless of race, gender, age, and social class — have…

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Building the Internet of Trust: Reflections after the #IGF2018

Not that long ago governments around the world tried by multiple means to spread Internet connectivity across their territories with the goal of transitioning into the information society, a new era of knowledge and democratic progress, driven by  networks, computers, and information flows. Today, almost three decades after the invention of the World Wide Web…

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The Fog of the Emerald Necklace

Clouds on the ground, dispersing on the surface, changing with the wind and the light. Taking shapes, they disappear in the air while creating playful spaces. A performative landscape for immersion, interactivity, and movement outside of fixed screens or cavases. Designed by Fujiko Nakaya, the fog sculptures at the Emerald Necklace are wonderful pieces of…

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RHINOCERVS IMPETVM: an installation at BKC mini-gallery

Walking and drawing. Strolling and tracing. Exploring cities and mapping them.  GPS systems and human/animal movement opens multiple paths of creative expression. Detours, derives, critiques, journeys, adventures, expeditions, logs. For several years I have been performing walks + GPS drawing in the cities where I live and visit, recording movements in hybrid space, speculating with…

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Walking + Drawing Poetics

GPS logs are traces that document our movements in both the physical space of the world, and the virtual space of the Global Positioning System. When visualized over digital maps, both in real-time or after we have finished our journeys, the traces become concrete representations of our trajectories. They are records of our itineraries, material…

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