A new fanzine from Tierra Común: data, body, territory.

Zines are one of my favorite print media products of all times. They are media artifacts that provide a platform for self-expression and communication, allowing individuals and communities to share their voices, stories, and ideas without the constraints of mainstream media and industrial production processes. Zines, or “fanzines” as they are also known, are basically…

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Lorem Ipsum on a Historical Plaque

A historical plaque displaying the infamous dummy text “Lorem Ipsum” on a wall at the Castle of Salgar in Puerto Colombia, near Barranquilla, was removed last January, after a tourist that visited the site shared an image on Twitter/X with the ironic comment: “Excellent and inspiring text.” The photograph circulated widely across social media platforms…

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Media Manipulation, Cheap Fake Videos, and Politics in Colombia

The dynamics of political communication in democratic societies have changed as digital technologies have spread around the world, and, particularly, as social media platforms have transformed the speed and scale of information flows. Changes in the distribution, production and consumption of media content have generated a greater abundance of information of all kinds (dubious, false…

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Letters to Science from Colombian Children and Youth

Last week I was invited to participate in the launch of the book “Letters to Science: Dear science, this is is how I know you..” (“Cartas a la ciencia: querida ciencia así te conozco”) at Maloka, Bogota’s interactive and science museum. This book compiles letters written by Colombian children and youth from different regions of…

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