Ten Years of Scratch: Happy Scratch Day!
To see the Scratch Cat rolling through the floors of the MIT Media Lab does not happen quite often. However, for some especial events and adventures the orange ...
To see the Scratch Cat rolling through the floors of the MIT Media Lab does not happen quite often. However, for some especial events and adventures the orange ...
Some months ago I shared the link to the videos of the documentary about animation I co-produced while working at the New Media Literacies Project at MIT. This ...
While corruption continues to be pervasive at all layers of society in Latin American countries, the region has become a leader in commitments to open data and ...
More than seven years ago, while I was working as a Research Assistant at the Project New Media Literacy at MIT, I co-produced a series of web videos about DJ C...
Creativity is at the core of everyday life. It crosses many social dimensions. From culture to economy to language. Creative expression, however, usually requir...
The streets of Cartagena de Indias, in Colombia, are full of history, flavors, and colors. Both in their names and architecture, in their walls and cobbles, the...
In the digital age the notion of citizenship is being redefined in multiple ways as new possibilities for civic action appear in the interaction of users, techn...