Letters to Science from Colombian Children and Youth

Last week I was invited to participate in the launch of the book “Letters to Science: Dear science, this is is how I know you..” (“Cartas a la ciencia: querida ciencia así te conozco”) at Maloka, Bogota’s interactive and science museum. This book compiles letters written by Colombian children and youth from different regions of…

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Youth Participation in Design, Research and Creation

Co-design or participatory design with young people is an innovative methodological approach that has been and is being applied in various sectors to develop research and creative processes. From interventions in the area of health to curriculum design projects in schools, to research on media literacy, the inclusion and participation of young people in this…

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Airports, Duty-Free Shops and the Web

After the pandemic hiatus, flying internationally is back in its full mode. Airports are busy again and travelers have returned to this particular kind of places. Entering and exiting gates, transiting customs and security checks, traversing duty-free shops, people is back, inhabiting the airports buildings temporarily. Something that have stroked me recently, as I have…

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Imaginaries of Data and Digital Rights among Latin American communities: A podcast series

The project “Imaginaries of data and digital rights” aims to create spaces for generating and promoting conversations about local imaginaries of data and digital rights among local artists, community media producers, indigenous language activists, practitioners and academics in Colombia. The dialogues explore how media literacy and digital literacy can promote the development of local knowledge and…

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The Influencer Paradox*

The term “influencer” has gained great relevance in the last decade around the world to designate content creators on digital platforms and social networks who have a large number of followers and enjoy popularity, credibility, and admiration in niche communities and audiences. From fashionistas to foodies, environmentalists to adventure travelers, gamers to animal lovers and…

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