Outer Space and the Home/Personal Computer
The history of the personal computer revolution has several myths. Some of them focus on individual geniuses (hackers, nerds, or hippies), others on single mach...
The history of the personal computer revolution has several myths. Some of them focus on individual geniuses (hackers, nerds, or hippies), others on single mach...
Today i went to a special event organized by the center for mexican american studies that featured the film screening of Born in East L.A and a talk with direct...
The first time i encountered an image of Comala was in the written words of Juan Rulfo’s master piece Pedro Paramo (1955). I was fascinated by the poetica...
i invite people to mail me a telegram. since telegrams are a dead medium and we cannot send them anymore, i invite you to download the following image, print it...
The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-Line Pioneers By Tom Standage. New York : Walker and Co., 19...
Last summer i started to ride long distances and really enjoyed the experience of discovering new landscapes and spending a lot of physical energy on locomotion...