Fire on the Blue Genie Danger Derby Track

The third Blue Genie annual Danger Derby was fantabulous. Eighty pinewood cars with no-rules customized designs competed for the precious derby trophy and survived the world famous hazards of a 100-foot long track. An audience of more than 600 people got together at the parking lot of the Blue Genie Art Industries to scream, cheer, and watch perhaps the wildest event of the East Austin Studio Tour (EAST). This year, in contrast to its previous iterations (2012, 2013), the event reached the next level of amusement. Spectators, participants, organizers, and sponsors who did an excellent job setting up not only new dangers, projections, and lighting, but also making sophisticated cars that could survive the extreme obstacles from the track. However, despite all the efforts, very few survived the fire pit and flame.

Fire was on the track, on the cars, and on the torch.

Other hazards such as a swinging anvil and a double sawing machine, stopped many of the cars in their route to the finishing line.

However, it was the fire hazard what destroyed most of the cars.

The fire pit, flames, and the torch were difficult to overcome, and they were wildly managed by Dan, a master of fires genie expert.

Interestingly, despite the new car designs that included all kind of heavy vehicles with roller wheels, the winner of the night was car #66 a hybrid of a pinewood car, a riffle, and two cans of beer that classified to the finals after 3 races, and won the final race.

This car was fast and slick and avoided the fire and other hazards with confidence. The team who designed it celebrated by opening and drinking the 2 cans of beer that were part of the chassis.

The other winner was a duo team who designed a hot dog car which won the audience price.

All in all, the Blue Genie Danger Derby 2014 made history by its organization, public attendance, and surprising dangers. The event has become one of the best participatory exhibitions and attractions of E.A.S.T.  This year, I had the honor to serve on its steering committee and contribute with wild ideas to its production and performance. As in previous iterations I documented the event and curated a selection of images at this photo gallery.

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