This is a project I have been working on for a couple of years, very informally, and without any pressure and consistence. Let’s say, it was more like an initial idea, a possibility for a creative and collaborative piece.
The sign men dance project invites ordinary people with cameras (in any resolution and in any device) to capture public visual signs that depict a human being doing movements. Bellow is a small sample of the imagery I have collected so far. As the collection grows, anybody who wants to, can use the collection of signs and movements to create an animation. All the images will be shared with Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC BY-SA 3.0) . Furthermore, it is possible to create a music track that goes together with the animation. I have created a tumblr to support this collaboration. Please contribute with photographs by uploading them directly to the website or sending an email to 385stogust[at] . Thanks and keep moving!