A geo-locative game and a zine, Marfauria was played during the first weekend of July, 2014, at the Marfa Film Festival, in the Trans-Pecos area of the Chihuahuan desert. More information about the process of making and running this game in this entry.
Hundreds of Pterosaurs Eggs Found in Record-Breaking Fossil Haul in Northwestern China. News about Pterosaurs continue to appear, randomly on newspapers and magazines. Yesterday and today, many news have appeared in the the Americas and Europe, especially in Spanish and English:
– http://www.lavanguardia.com/ciencia/planeta-tierra/20171130/433314316211/china-200-huevos-pterodactilos-pterosaurios-fosiles.html
– http://www.elperiodico.com/es/extra/20171201/huevos-dinosaurio-pterosaurio-china-6462694
– https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/ciencia/cientificos-hallan-215-huevos-de-pterosaurio-en-china-articulo-726230
– https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/11/largest-pterosaurs-eggs-discovered-embryos-fossils-paleontology-science/
Some weeks ago, a pterosaur’s fossil was found in northern Colombia, in Zapatoca, Santander: