Quarantine Aurora

while the city still sleeps
dream drops hit our windows
birds break the silence of night
it is vigil or is a dream?
urban lucid dreams
early daylight paints streets and sidewalks
and the colors of dawn touch closed doors and parked cars
stolid urban flows
half-awake stores, amenities, and buildings
wait for dwellers
quite, still, and dull
quarantine mist blurs our city consciousness
it has not cleared out yet
in-between sleep and wakefulness
we cross the threshold
another day begins

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Youth and Digital Citizenship+ (Plus): New Report from BKC’s Youth and Media Team

As the digital transformation continues to change our society, economy, culture, education and all aspects of our life, the notion of digital citizenship has also evolved, adjusting to the risks and opportunities that the rapid technological change and innovation has brought. Researchers, educators, policy makers and activists have approached to the concept of digital citizenship…

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The Emerging Popular Digital Culture of Bogota’s TransMilenio People

More than 2 million passengers move every day on TransMilenio, the bus-based public transportation system of Bogota. Operating since the year 2000, this Bus Rapid Transit system circulates through 776 kilometers of dedicated roadways covering most of the urban space. Although during the first decade of functioning Bogotanians received TransMilenio with enthusiasm as it allowed…

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Chingaza, a Mighty Páramo

Clouds sleeping over mountain tops are waking up with strong winds. Petting plants, grasses, shrubs, and lakes, they move softly and furious over a humid cold tropical landscape. Their mist diffuses and unveils silent skies, bromeliads fields, and meditating lakes. A place where the clouds travel as rivers, circumventing mountain edges, searching for lakes, frailejones,…

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Youth Defying Media: A Hackaton in Centro Ático

Last month 75 students from all over Colombia, ages 18-24, and various disciplinary backgrounds, met at the at the Centro Ático of Universidad Javeriana in Bogota to participate in the Hackaton “Los jóvenes desafían los medios” (Youth defies the media). Working in 7 different teams, these youths collaborated during 36 hours in the design of…

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