
Hello/Ciao/Alo/Hola!  my name is andres lombana-bermudez (aka vVvA) and i am an interdisciplinary designer/researcher.

About me

I work at the intersection between youth, digital technology, learning, and innovation. I recently completed a PhD in Media Studies at UT-Austin and previously finished a MSc in Comparative Media Studies at MIT. I study how young people use technology for learning, communicating, and participating in culture, economy, and society. I am particularly interested in studying new media practices, digital inequalities, and innovation; as well as designing for learning, fun and engagement. I am a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, a research associate with the Connected Learning Research Network, a member of the Aprendiendo Juntos/Learning Together Council (AJC), and the co-founder of the TELA initiative.

For more information about the projects I am working on please check out my portfolio website

I keep a blog at vVvAlog


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